Sunday, March 28, 2010

So, I'm at Giant Eagle this morning and I realize I forgot my list. So, I'm standing by the place where the weekly circulars reside, scanning one before I start my shopping.

All of a sudden I hear a voice say, "Do you always block the aisle like this?". Now, mind you, I thought this was uttered by someone I might have known, because I thought to myself, WTF? But I look up and I have no idea who this person is, besides "Annoying Customer".

Then he repeated what he said, and I realized he may have a speech impediment or be a bit off mentally. So I told him, "Yeah, I do this every week when I come here." and I moved my cart slightly.

Jeezy creezy, these things happen to me all the time. Admittedly, I lean towards zero tolerance sometimes...uh...more often than not...a lot, but not "Excuse me." or "Sir, your cart?" or something similar.

"I got a threshold, Jules. I got a threshold for the abuse that I will take. Now, right now, I'm a fuckin' race car, right, and you got me in the red. And I'm just sayin', I'm just sayin' that it's fuckin' dangerous to have a race car in the fuckin' red. That's all. I could blow."

Meal of Links

Pictures of early 20th century British drunks. Lots of hats.

The is (gulp!) French Canadian. Therefore, it's not him who is doing the singing. I'm guessing it's Martha Dash.

What life would be like married to a porn star. Lots of free time, I bet.

Exercise Yard

Joe Calzaghe has snorted cocaine. Uh-oh.


None, on a rainy Sunday.


Anonymous said...

I can see a new reality show.......Jim Walks The Line. A show about nothing. Jim stands in front of flyer thats a show. Person behind looks in his cart. Commotion in the 8 items or less line. Nitwit cashier doesn't double bag the glass items...... PFS

Moaner said...

That's why you should never go to Giant Eagle on a Sunday morning. They don't sell booze there until 1pm.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure you weren't at Marc's?