Sunday, November 01, 2009

Another Halloween has come and gone. At first, I thought there were no Caucasians trick-or-treating. But man, it was starting to get cold, so after 60 minutes of distribution, I ran out of the candy I wanted to give away.

Best Costume: By far, Michael Jackson. The kid had it down. Sunglasses, hat, glove, shoe, jacket. It prompted this exchange:

MJ (in full character): "Trick or Treat-ah!"
Me: "Michael, I thought you died."
MJ: "Naw, I'm still around."
Me: "Still a Thriller, eh?"

Second Best Costume: Captain America (with shield).

Third Best Costume: A penguin. Not THE penguin, A penguin. Off the charts on the "Awwwwwww!" Scale of Cute.

Worst Costume: Guy pulls up in a Time Warner Cable car. "Hey, that guy is dressed like The Cable Guy!". I really need an audience of more than 2 neighbors on Halloween.

Second Worst Costume: Guy on crutches trying to catch up with his family, is in the middle of the street until he arrives at my neighbor's sidewalk.

Me: "I take it that's not a costume?"
(Family gets candy, he walks away)
Me: "Apparently not."

Third Worst Costume: Some kid was dressed as Matt Hasselbeck, quarterback of the Seattle Seahawks. A big WTF.

Worst Trend: Clueless kids being escorted around in strollers by Moms. Seemed to be a candy grab for the Moms, while Junior had no idea what the hell he was freezing his ass for. Although someone texted me saying Mom was looking for a certain type of candy...Sugar Daddy.

Best Trend: No Halloween lights on the block this year! Oh, we had a gravesite and someone had scary music playing, but I did not have the orange-and-black wakeup call this year.

Second Best Trend: Not once did I have to ask someone: "How old are you?". As Tim Robbins once said, " know, for the kids."

Favorite Candy: Kids were choosing the Nestle Crunch. I had thought that was surpassed a long time ago. Really, it's the first time I gave that away in eons.

Meal of Links

How to build a bigass HDTV antenna. I'll never do it, but I must say, Time Warner Cable remains the devil. I had two days this week where more than half of the HD channels were not even tuned. Of course, after I make an appointment for service, they magically appeared later the next day.

Ten Sex Scenes Involving Costumes. Meh.

Making a case in the defense of extreme pornography. Let's just say, Roman Polanski gets more coverage than these folks.

"Dexter" is still pulling in viewers. It is the one show I never fail to watch. I rather liked Deb's crying scene last week. Done a la David Lynch, I thought. Not the weepy, whiny stuff, but the real-life-can't-catch-your-breath stuff.

Exercise Yard

How the World Series may have turned last night on a stupid pitch. As memories of Sam McDowell suddenly enter my head.


None, on a refreshed Daylight Savings Sunday.

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