Saturday, September 12, 2009

Yes, I am still here.

And I'm still mad at that Joe Wilson. You know, the "You Lie" Guy. I fired off an e-mail to him, because of my anger. When it comes to healthcare, all I know is, my rates keep going up. It's interesting, I've been on all ends of this debate throughout my various employs: Uninsured by choice, COBRA'ed, fully paid benefits, a cafeteria plan, shared with employer.

As I've said, with Anthem, our rates increased 25% last year and we were due for another 17-19% increase that keeps eating away at your salary. So, something needs to be done. The "death panels" and immigrants are canards in this game, while pre-existing conditions and preventative care are the real issues. I happen to like my coverage I get at the Cleveland Clinic, but we can't sit idly by and keep having these increases, seemingly on a whim.

Meal of Links

20 Cool Canadians. Yeah, I'm into McAdams and I know it's limited to entertainers, but where is "Iron" Mike Sharpe, the greatest Canadian athlete?

Best Cover Songs. Almost 1900 of them. Can't believe Phish's version of "5:15" didn't make it.

Ship blazes an Arctic Trail. It used to be covered in ice. Seems the last time someone saw this place ice-free was only 5-to-7,000 years ago.

At US Open Tennis, the seeded players get to pick their music. Just like wrestling. Here are some choices.

Brushes with Greatness. I was on an airplane once with New Jersey Net players. They were tall.

Larry Gelbart died yesterday. I remember the Dead Pool community was abuzz with a report of his premature death a while back. His reply: "Does that mean I can stop exercising?" When other noted humorists proclaim him to be the best, you know he was funny.

Exercise Yard

Jeff Hardy gets busted for drugs. Seems like he lots of vicodin, steroids, etc.


43 Down: Pitcher Jesse, who had the most career appearances (6 letters) Answer: Orosco More Brush with Greatness: I once saw Orosco in a mall in Milwaukee. Strangely enough, he was with the Indians at the time. Never saw him in town though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On a trip to Vegas April and myself almost walked into Wilt Chamberlin at the Rio. April's great line"Boy are you tall" I had to tell her who he was.--------------------------------JMK