Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Today is mayoral primary day in Cleveland. So, the Plain Dealer devotes several column inches in today's paper on Flo from Progressive. I hate Flo. It's Flo and the combination of her customers that sets me off each time I see them. The latest guy with the remote. The "empowered" guy with his price gun. The guy agreeing, but yelling. Aaaaargh.

Anyhow, I voted for the mayoral race. I walk up there and it was the only race where I had to cast a ballot. I even turned it over to make sure I wasn't missing anything. I got up there around 6:30 and I was Number 68. That's not a very big turnout.

Meal of Links

A fascinating article on a phone phreak. This kid may have been the best ever.

Looks like Monopoly will take over the online world starting tomorrow. They promise "epic fun".

Tomorrow is 09/09/09. Why it is special. That reminds me, did I really see that remake of "The Omen" on 06/06/06? I guess I did. Why, it seems it was just yesterday when that film broke.

"Big Brother" finally gets decent ratings. After 9 years. And 11 seasons.

A local guy's revenge.

Kentucky whipped up on my alma mater last weekend in college football. But I have the last laugh. Because only 51% of the residents of that state are sure President Obama was born in the USA. To be fair, another 29% are not sure.

Novak Djokovic does John McEnroe probably even better than the real thing. Johnny Mac gets in one last passing shot (in long pants!) on center court.

Exercise Yard

Why the Browns suck. "They basically hired the understudies of the two men who led the team to three last place finishes, two top-five draft picks and zero playoff appearances in four years."


41 Down: Ralph Kramden's pal (8 letters) Answer: Ed Norton

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