Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Just finished watching CSU get beat up by Butler in the Horizon league title game. No dancing this year! Second half was the key. The Vikings did not improve their shooting (it was dismal, in the low 30's at best, I suspect) and Butler held on to the ball and had decent enough shooting to win by 15. File this one under the dreaded "Learning Experience" for CSU. Almost ready-for-prime-time, but not there yet. Look for big things next year. Going to take in a couple of MAC tournament games tomorrow, including the alma mater.

The plows made their return during the last 24 hours. Huh? Yep, after the melt has started and most of the denizens around here resorting to one-lane traffic, the plow came through last night to deposit all of those big ice boulders in everyone's driveway. Silly me, I waited until this morning to remove them. Hey, those boulders froze overnight. I actually had to resort to Charles Bronson mode and use an axe to get rid of them. Imagine my surprise when the plow made a return visit during the day to start the process all over again after I came home from work. Idiots.

Meal of Links

David Simon writes to fans of "The Wire". The show actually had worse ratings this year than "John From Cincinnati", a show HBO could not wait to d8ump. But it lives on via the DVDs and I expect HBO will hang on to it for a while.

How is Eliot Spitzer still the New York governor? If you frequent prostitutes, but bust up a prostitution ring as state Attorney General, aren't you getting rid of the competition for your company of choice? Seems obvious, you have to leave. Now.

I think we've been down this road before. If not, here are some great opening credits in movie history. "Raging Bull" has been on the HD channel lately. That's a worth a late evening of viewing, which I did. I think I've driven that "Lost Highway" before.

Exercise Yard

Two of my favorites combined: Wrestling plus Boxing. Or should I say, The Big Show plus Floyd Mayweather. Reminiscent of "He threw him like a lawn dart!". Yeah, looks like Floyd was really risking that $14 million dollar payout there.


20 Across: Character known as The Saint (12 letters) Answer: Simon Templar

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