Friday, April 14, 2006

I was at last night's Tribe game with Gale and Nomar Stalker (I won't say which one of has had a frozen groin). It was an odd one, because it was Student ID Night. And the kids delivered. To the tune of a walkup crowd of 8,400, which was a record for Jacobs Field. Sadly, a commentary on attendance these days. Anyhow, we went to see the young stud pitcher for Seattle, Felix Hernandez. He didn't have a particularly great game, but neither did the Tribe bullpen, as they gave up 6 runs late top lose the game.

Strange things were happening though, as there were two skirmishes that brought the cops out. Still, it was not even close to the best fan fight I saw several years ago at Jacobs Field. That consisted of one chick delivering a right hand straight out of "Rocky" to the jaw of another female.

I stopped in today for the annual Good Friday tradition of non-meat items and beer, with Drew in attendance at O'Rielly's. They moved a little further to the west, but still in Cedar Center. Looks almost the same, but a bit wider. Crab cake sandwiches, baby! When two Pinewood Derby winners get together, forget about it.

Meal of Links

The DEA agent who shot himself in the foot is a tough dude. No need to sue though. I'm sure he was ribbed incessantly, probably acquired a nickname, but after several months, can't you take a joke.

Nikki Finke has the scoop on the goings-on at the new sports division of CAA and IMG losing agents.. And Matt Leinart dumping Leigh Steinberg for CAA.

"Rummy, you're doing a heck of a job."

Exercise Yard

There is nothing like Vin Scully calling a game. Here's Scully's call of Game 6 re-enacted with RBI Baseball. "There's a little roller up along first, behind the bag! It gets through Buckner!"

I still feel bad for Billy Buck after all these years. Even in RBI Baseball.


34 Across: Falco of "The Sopranos" (4 letters) Answer: Edie

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