Wednesday, August 24, 2005

There is a new playground that's been constructed this year, a few blocks away from me. The police have placed one of those portable speed limit boards (like in "The Rookie") by the playground so you can tell what your speed is. Above 25 mph, it blinks like crazy. Now the kids gather in front of the board and yell "Slow Down!" when you are above 25. Is it OK if I yell you, "Fuck you! Stay on the curb." when I get the slow down treatment? I'm just sayin', not that I've yelled that or anything.

"RockStar:INXS" was an expanded one-hour version this week. Why? That's anyone's guess. There are 7 rockers left and at one time or another, 6 were in the bottom three. Suzie was safe. That was a headscratcher.

The final three consisted of Ty and Deanna and a third person. Each one gets to do an INXS song. Ty drew "What You Need" and did OK, I guess. I thought his voice was too high, but I do think he's safe. Deanna grabbed her crotch, of course, several times during her song, "Elegantly Wasted". Andrew Farriss seems to really like her Please, fire her now. The third person was revealed after a break for reality show drama. And it was...Mahtee! Thank God it wasn't Jordis, who looked like she was gonna hurl. Mahtee sang "Don't Change", which is one of my fave raves from any band and I think he did a helluva job with it. Now, I haven't devoted all of this time to this show to be wrong. Look, Deanna is just not right for our band, INXS. Now I wanna hear them say it. Thanks, guys. Deanna gets the boot. Suzie cries again! I must say, though, Deanna's tearful departure was kinda sad. We wish her all the best in her future endeavors.

Hey, it's The Who with "CSI Song".

Meal of Links

Let's see if Nancy Grace stays on this story. A teen actress is missing.

Pat Robertson says it depends on what your definition of assassination is. I'm sorry I was among the millions who misinterpreted those comments.

Does Sony have a shot with the Blu-Ray DVD. Or is it a 21st century Betamax?

Exercise Yard

The hounds are out for Lance again and possible doping. This time, there is a sample that says Lance tested positive for EPO in 1999. Lance is in a no-win on this one. He's gotta fight hard to save his rep. No one thought Tyler Hamilton was a doper either, but he was. At least Lance didn't wag his finger at anyone, that we know of.


13 Down: 30's candidate Landon et al (3 letters) Answer: Alf

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess I should be paying attention to this INXS wanna-be's because I am sure we will see them on next year's Battle of the Network Stars. BRAVO to Bravo for recycling these losers.