Thursday, July 14, 2005

It's Bastille Day. Even Google ignores it these days. How can you not think of Rush today? Or perhaps, some freedom fries with dinner.

"For they marched up to Bastille Day la guillotine -- claimed
Her bloody prize hear the echoes of the centuries power isn’t
All that money buys"

Or something like that.

And, of course, a Frenchie won the Tour today.

Meal of Links

You have to see "Punk: Attitude" on IFC. A loving look at punk. All the faves are in there. Only drawback is I wish it was longer.

Rehnquist says, "Hey, it's a lifetime appointment and I'm still breathing." Haltingly, but still breathing.

Should soft drinks carry warning labels? Maybe, maybe not. But there's no question, Americans are suckin' 'em down in record numbers.

Exercise Yard

I guess Lou Holtz cheats everywhere. But we'll love him on ESPN this year.


7 Down: '60s eloquent equine (4 letters) Answer: Mr. Ed (Wi-i-il-bur)

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