Monday, April 05, 2004

Isolation Thought

Be sure to visit the grocery before you have car trouble. Liquids in the refrigerator consist of: one can of diet root beer, Gatorade, Bloody Mary mix and Absolut. Not necessarily a bad thing, but milk and juice would be nice. OK on the food front, for now.

Working at home gives you the opportunity to see daytime TV you normally don't see. Boy, it looked like Maria Bartiromo was ridden pretty hard over the weekend. I like the cut of Amy Robach's jib on MSNBC. Maury phoned in another effort with the ubiquitous paternity test show. However, Jerry tops all with a "Jealous Lovers" episode. OK, I know I'm late to the game, but now all the chicks want "Springer beads" or "Jerry beads" and flash the audience, while Jerry has a dancer (with handy pole) for audience pleasure. Of course, some quotes just make me laugh. Lover in first segment: "I believe there's someone out there for everyone, even Jerry." Jerry (after a dancer segment): "Let's hear it for the dancer....Let's hear it for the pole....Let's hear it for the Czechoslovakian." Lover in second segment: "Jerry, I only love her throat." Jerry (when a large woman threatened to flash): "No, no. Some things are better left to the imagination."

Meal of Links

Ten years since the death of one Kurt Cobain.

The Shiite continues to hit the fan. (Washington Post password req'd.)

Condi Rice will lay out the facts according to the second one-termer in his family.

Exercise Yard

Opening Day for Major League Baseball. Of course, the traditional opener is in Cincinnati, not Tokyo. I am surprised there wasn't much criticism of the Ricoh logo all over the Yankees unis in Japan. Maybe it was the 5 a.m. start time and no one saw it.


18 Down: Chain-Wearing "A-Team" Actor (3 letters) Answer: Mr. T

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