Sunday, March 21, 2010

I actually watched more news programming than March madness today, because it looks like healthcare is going to pass tonight. Halle-fuckin'-lujah!. I am tired of costs going up and having to remove myself from a Cadillac plan because I just can't afford it with the monumental increases I've had the last 3 years. Increases that, to me, remain unexplained.

There are obviously some things I wish were in this bill, like the public option, and we can't roll over on that one. But this is a giant step forward. And I still can't fathom why anyone would be against this sort of legislation. Especially with the elimination of pre-existing conditions and lifetime caps. So, let's quit spitting on legislators and badgering poor folks in Columbus with Parkinson's and contemplate what is being done tonight.

It's about time. Next up: Reconciliation in the evil Senate.

Meal of Links

Your healthcare updates here.

The Amazing Randi is gay. Now, get back to badgering Benny Hinn.

I'm thinking I have to order some furniture. Reminds me of this...

"Drinking Coke"/Bill Hicks

Ben Folds Does Chat Roulette Live

Exercise Yard

Very sad last night. I got Farokhmaneshed.


None, on a historic Sunday.

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