Saturday, May 31, 2008

I failed to mention some of the tasty items I picked up on my last visit to Trader Joe's. There was one item I had that was not good at all and I had to discard it. I think I immediately banished it from my memory, because I don't recall what it was.

Anyhow, here is the good shit:

Trader Ming's General Tsao Stir Fry Sauce

Trader Joe's Bold and Spicy Kansas City Style Barbecue Sauce

Ice Cream Sandwiches-These babies come 4 in a box, and have chocolate chip cookies on the outside with ice cream in the middle. These are...drum roll...440 calories each! Needless to say, moderation is key.

Honey Roasted Peanuts-These are the old Eagle Brand and are top-notch, top-notch, I say.

Chicken Stir Fry was really good.

Vermont Cheddar Cheese-outstanding!

I tried their Organic Mustard and I like it, because it's not a very big squeeze bottle.

Lemonade is always good there.

It was a productive visit and I also got to hear Disco Tex and the Sex-O-Lettes over the speaker. It made me think of Merv.

Trader Joe's Summer Guide comes out Monday.

Meal of Links

Five things that are always on sale.

The modern ruins of Detroit (click on squares). It's sad that the United Artists Theater is in such disrepair.

North Oaks, MN tells Google to remove their community from Google Maps. I've looked at my palatial estate on Google Maps. Looks good, nice sunny day and all, except for the suspicious truck in front of the house next to me.

They asked some kid, the eventual champ, in the Spelling Bee to spell "numbnuts". Oh, he said "numnah"? Never mind.

Exercise Yard

They are planning on fining floppers in the NBA.

Red Auerbach hated it 30 years ago! And where is Mendy Rudolph's ref outfit?


60 Down: First name among revolutionaries (3 letters) Answer: Che

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