Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Hey, it's Wednesday, where Fergie asks the musical question:

"How come every time you come around
My London, London Bridge wanna go down..."

Apparently, "London Bridge" refers to two couples having sex and forming a bridge. Hello. I guess her next single is "Superior Viaduct".

She says "Oh, shit" a lot in that tune, as well. I think she wrote that herself.

That wasn't the best song I heard today. Jeezy creezy, I heard Kraftwerk! Kraftwerk, I'm tellin' ya. "Electric Cafe" was the tune:

"Musique rythmique
Son electronique
L'art politique
A l'age atomique"

I wish I had my pocket calculator with me to tap on the keys.

Meal of Links

If you crave, I mean absolutely crave, old-time country music, you must listen to James Hand. You'd think Hank Williams had just strolled into the room.

Your sex scandals are worse than ours. Take that, Democrats! Why are we arguing over this crap? Even the guy who took Foley's place on the ballot wants to play it straight, so to say. So please, shut up!

I am putting this country on notice. We are officially insane. Can you believe this place was advertising the movie, "Jackbutt Two". "Jackbutt"! Maybe they need to order more "S"'s.

Exercise Yard

Has anyone fallen from grace quicker than Congressman Foley? Perhaps, Becks is your guy. From England captain to Real benchwarmer in less than four months.


32 Down: Illinois Senator Barack _____ (5 letters) Answer: Obama

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard Time on the left end of the dial this morning. But since you heard it live a week ago it probably isn't as exciting as Kraftwerk. But it sure made me want to fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way.

Heh heh I said fritter.