Thursday, May 04, 2006

I have tomorrow off. Not to celebrate Cince de Mayo (which will happen later in the day), but to have my auto maintained. However, this is the last night I'm sleeping on whether or not to get a dog. I have to decide what's fair for the dog, if I'm not around a lot, etc. So, that decision is forthcoming. Teddy is still breathing at the APL.

LeBron keeps ruining my reading habits. I'm still trying to get through Harvey Araton's hoops book, which is only 191 pages. But, damn if I don't start reading during the games and then LeBron or Gilbert Arenas do something to make me keep watching the game. I love the Cavs, but I think it'll go to a game 7. Let's face it, LeBron has saved our bacon by pulling two games out of the fire late, it's not as if we are dominating the Wizards.

Good stuff musicwise lately. Gnarls Barkley has the "St. Elsewhere" album out. This has "Crazy", which I'm hearing on XM already, and a "Gone Daddy Gone" cover of the Violent Femmes tune. The Red Hot Chili Peppers have their release out this Tuesday, I believe. I love "Dani California" with its geography lesson. "Black bandana, sweet Louisiana, robbin' on a bank in the state of the Indiana." And Pearl Jam becomes relevant again with the oddly named "Pearl Jam" album.

Meal of Links

"And you want to be my latex salesman." "Why no T-Bone?"

Soda manufacturers are to remove sugary pop from high schools. I gotta believe Diet Mountain Dew will climb the sales charts. But I did notice "sport drinks" are still legal. Let's watch what falls under that category within four years.

And, once again, Cinco de Mayo is not Mexican Independence Day. May 4th, however, still lives on.

Exercise Yard

Cory Lidle rips into Barry Bonds. Probably many people are asking, "Who the hell is Cory Lidle and what do we care what he thinks?"


22 Across: Rocker Nugent (3 letters) Answer: Ted

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