Saturday, September 17, 2005

Last night was kind of a tour of the possessive places Downtown. First, we were at Alesci's and decided to grab something to eat elsewhere. Someone suggested Otto Moser's, but Otto must have closed after the curtain rose. Anyhow, we cut through the walkway and ended up on 17th, where we went to Moe's. Like Modell's Sporting Goods, you "Gotta Go to Mo's".

I thought Moe's had a good vibe goin', as the first song I hear is "TV Party" by Black Flag. It's kind of a small joint, but it appeared that the kitchen was closed early. The bartendress had an impressive chest, but the cook appeared to be a cross between Little Steven, an unbelievably high Howard Hessemann and that hillbilly from the Simpsons. That caused the line, "I am not eating anything cooked by that man."

So, off we went to the familiar venue called Becky's. Oh, they have Grand-Dad there and we got to see the last half of the game. And I scarfed down a chili dog that was great.

Meal of Links

This is a well-written article on how the airline industry in America is a disaster. Points out how fuel prices, lack of concessions from workers, and competition have driven four of the seven major US airlines into bankruptcy.

Maybe Renee Zelleger finally opened her eyes. And, I mean that in a very nice, not fraudulent way.

A look at the new sitcoms. With "Arrested Development", "The Office" and "Weeds" coming back, I think there's room for a couple of more and the Jason Lee and Chris Rock shows are getting lots of buzz.

Exercise Yard

Looking for a Halloween costume? How about going as Randy Moss?


23 Down: Astro's family (7 letters) Answer: Jetsons

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