Friday, September 30, 2005

I think I may have finally weaned myself off of "The Apprentice". Yeah, it took a while, but I've already missed two episodes this time around and if it happens again, well...

I had to hunt down some Browns reprinted tickets today. It figures when I arrived, the guy who is in charge of the safe was out to lunch. Then when I got back, Browns management was going to let all of their people leave at 2:00 because of the bye week. So, I'm glad I arrived when I did or I would have had to schedule another chase day.

Meal of Links

Mike Myers is going to portray Keith Moon in a movie. I am not sure how to react to this. Hopefully this flick does Keith proud.

Lindsay Lohan will supposedly get naked for Vanity Fair. Be sure she hits the Krispy Kreme on the way to the shoot.

Here's a report about the technology used in the "Corpse Bride".

Exercise Yard

Going to the Tribe game tonight. It's do or die for the boys this weekend. I think we'll gain at least a tie and maybe have to play a game on Monday to determine the wild card. I think it hinges on Boston. Their bullpen can blow up at any time.


45 Down: Writer Ephron (4 letters) Answer: Nora

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