Saturday, June 18, 2005

Wound up at the Old Angle Tavern last night. I must say, I had some Jack Daniels last night and wanted it with soda. I'm not sure I realized until my second drink that it may have been served with water. Anyhow, it didn't sit that well with me. I was having trouble finishing a very good catfish sandwich because of it. Plus it put me at a severe disdvantage in a later discussion.

However, the JD did contribute to one of those god-awful night cramps. When I got home and comfortable on the couch, I decided to start to watch "Candyman". Of course, I think I saw that for about 30 seconds before the Sandman showed up. Then at 4:00, I got this unbelievable cramp in my calf. So, I try to stand up. My other leg is asleep, I'm incoherent, I'm stepping on remotes, but the TV is on and it was obviously one of those Skinemax movies. So I was caught between, "Damn it, I don't know if my leg will ever stretch out again." and "Man, those are big." Eventually it subsided, I shut everything off, made it to bed and then I couldn't sleep. Bah.

Part of the discussion revolved around some theory that Joey from "Friends" had. I never watched "Friends", but this was whatever your number was, you could only drop two levels down. If you were, a 9, you couldn't be with a 6, etc. Of course, I said it was too bad for the 7's out there, and it's not because I'm a 4. But the impaired discussion we particpated in was the old "Doables List". Some how it ended up "Sandra Bullock vs. Ashley Judd". I mean, come on, that's like "Skippy vs. Jif". Can you really choose one over the other?

Apparently, I made the major faux pas of being a Sandy fan, in this case. But the JD rendered me useless to argue. Even though I was able to comment on things, I could never form a cogent argument for. I was subjected to a lot of criticism of her movies. In "A Time To Kill", she clearly outperforms Judd in that movie. But I found myself agreeing a lot with these zingers tossed my way:

"Speed 2": "That was pretty bad."
"Two If By Sea": "Yep, that was bad."
"The Net": "Yeah, you got me there."

I could not even remember Judd's appearance in "Simon Burch", for crying out loud. I believe she was the only person in film history to be killed by a foul ball, right in the head. I mean that is end of story. You can't top that. Damn that JD. Of course, I have no idea what that has to do with "Doability", but it made me feel better.

Meal of Links

For those who hear lyrics in a slightly different (meaning wrong) way, it's the archive of misheard lyrics. Por ejemplo, "Whip It" does not contain the line "Snap that whip".

It appears that Howard Jones title of best Buddhist singer in the world was as short-lived as his hairline. The other contenders. I'd still rate Howard a better singer than, let's say, Keanu Reeves.

Terri Schiavo might not only roam the spirit world to drop in on randoms, she might appear on your breakfast plate. "If you're a spirit, and you can travel to other dimensions and galaxies, and find out the mysteries of the universe, you think she's going to want to hang around Drexler's Funeral Home on Ocean Parkway?"

Exercise Yard

"In case you haven't noticed, and judging by the attendance you haven't, the Indians have managed to win a few ball games, and are threatening to climb out of the cellar." The Tribe scores 10 runs in one inning and the winning streak is at seven.


38 Across: "The Jazz Singer" composer, 1980 (11 letters) Answer: Neil Diamond

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