Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Isolation Thought

The mystery of Giant Eagle Diet Cola continues. The Hudson store also stocks it in a 12-pack of cans, but not 2-liter bottles. There has to be a reason why. This has Nobel Prize ramifications if someone unlocks this secret.

I bought some Dr. Seuss stamps at the Post Office today, as I'm not one to take the ordinary flag stamps. I always cringe when Lenny is working the clerk area. He's the only guy I know who has actually gone postal. "There was an incident", as Kramer would say. From what I understand, a customer could not make up their mind if they wanted they a receipt, and Lenny went ballistic. A garbage can was heaved over the counter in the direction of the line of customers. So, I try to listen to the chatter between Lenny and the customers to determine the mood. When I heard him say to the woman in front of me, "That's a very nice blazer you're wearing." I knew I was good to go.

While at the dentist yesterday, I was subjected to watch what may have been the worst television show ever. Not even a poor man's version of "The View", it was more like the homeless man's version of "The View". This train wreck of a show is called "Life and Style". In the words of Leonard Pinth-Garnell, "that one really bit the big one". Jules Asner is on this piece of garbage, convincing us once more, she has no talent.

Meal of Links

Capital punishment for those under 18 goes to the Supreme Court.

I pity the fool who won't see the new "A-Team" movie.

Eminem makes fun of Michael Jackson in his latest video. Looks like Marshall dresses up like Jacko and bounces up and down on a bed with little kids, amongst other hilarious actions.

Exercise Yard

It's too bad that members of Mariano Rivera's family were electrocuted in his pool. Apparently, electric currents were run through the pool to deter dogs from peeing in the pool. That doesn't sound right, but that's the story.


49 Across: Actor Fernando (3 letters) Answer: Rey

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