Saturday, October 16, 2004

Isolation Thought

I had a good night last night because my bar tab, after an evening of drinking, was determined to be $0. That's a nice feeling. But my advice to television viewers is don't drink and then watch "The Prisoner". No. 6 is playing cricket, then he's boxing, then he's dressed like Sherlock Holmes, then there's a car chase, then he can't find this woman at a carnival. Whoa, what the hell is going on? Thank God I fell asleep shortly thereafter.

Meal of Links

I like Jon Stewart, but in this video of Friday's "Crossfire", I think he's a bit of a jerk. Very strange. You can sense the discomfort of the audience, who along with the hosts, want him to "be funny". I mean why go on "Crossfire" and lecture? My problem with Stewart's interview with Kerry was it was the first time in ages that Kerry took questions from anyone, including his own press corps. Comedy show aside, I felt he had an obligation to ask something with some degree of difficulty. Having said that, I think Kerry didn't even grasp that he was on a comedy show. But this Stewart clip will go down in the annals of TV because he was more or less the anti-guest.

Old-timer dies waiting in line for "Oprah" tickets. I think Oprah will pay for the funeral. Won't she?

Look at these infrared zoo animals. I think I went to school with a Tawny Frogmouth.

Exercise Yard

Uh-oh. Barry Bonds trainer says Bonds used an "undetectable steroid" during the 2003 season. I guess it was "the clear" and not "the cream."


21 Down: Joan Collins' "Dynasty" role (6 letters) Answer: Alexis

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