Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Isolation Thought

What a wonderful day for DVDs. First of all, "Sledge Hammer" is out today. And, unbelievably, MGM bites the bullet and finally admits that "Showgirls" sucked.

During a lull in the convention broadcast today, C-Span ran Hubert Humphrey's acceptance speech from 1968. I really couldn't concentrate on substance too much, because HHH would make a point, the audience would applaud, and then the damn band would constantly play a fanfare, ta-da-a-a-a-ah. At one point in the middle of his speech, he thanked LBJ, "Thank you, Mr. President". Then the band rolled right into an extended version of "Happy Days Are Here Again". It was very funny. It was as if the bandleader said, "We are getting paid to play and, by God, play we will."

And what was with gas prices today? We saw a BP in Stow at Noon today at $1.69. Heading back at 1:00, it was $1.85.

Meal of Links

Roy Horn calls it quits. Although it might be entertaining, I think it would be tough to maneuver a wheelchair around all those tigers.

WTF? 192,000 people die in hospitals each year because of medical errors.

Real Networks adds to the confusion of digital music.

Exercise Yard

This Free Times article bringing out the race card on the Carlos Boozer fiasco infuriated me to no end.


54 Down: 1960 debate participant(5 letters) Answer: Nixon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize Roy got mauled on his birthday. Geesh.
