Sunday, June 26, 2011

I was coming back from Best Friend's last night and saw something that I had heard about, read about, but had not yet seen. I somehow missed it going eastbound on 90 because I must have been distracted by some music.

But it was late and I'm paying attention to the road when out of the corner of my eye, I see it. At first, jeezy creezy, I didn't know what it was and it scared the living daylights out of me. After thinking I was hallucinating, I realized what it was...

It was that damn wind turbine at Lincoln Electric! WTF, that thing is huge. It makes that one at the junkyard off of 480 look like a damn TinkerToy.

Meal of Links

Myspace. What an epic fail

The new Florida? It may be Wisconsin.

There is a new "Harry Potter" movie coming out soon. Will it make money? Beware the accounting.

How to land your kid in therapy. Most kids do not learn the skills of perseverance, resiliency, and reality-testing.

Regrets from the dying. Definitely things to consider.

The most connected city in the world? Seoul, brother.

Exercise Yard

River Plate is one of the most successful soccer clubs in Argentina. A 33-time champion. Things were OK, until they got relegated. Let the riots begin!

With water cannons!


None, on a nice summer Sunday.

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