Monday, June 07, 2010

An interview with the guy who created the girl, you know, with the tattoo. Looking back at the only public chat with Stieg Larsson. Good news on the American movie version. Obviously, in Fincher's hands, that's great in itself, but he's looking at Daniel Craig as the male lead. I see him working here, and I'm actually buying it.

Now, the casting of the girl is what's going to make or break the U.S. film version.

Meal of Links

The fake BP PR Twitter account. Complete with "tar ball" and Marmaduke references.

HBO has started up a Monday doc series. Tonight's, "Smash His Camera", on Ron Galella, Jackie O's "favorite" photographer, was terrific.

HBO giveth and they taketh away. "The Life & Times of Tim" got cancelled. Very underrated and underpublicized show.

That casino jackpot you thought you won? Why, that was just a computer glitch.

"Seinfeld" has made $2.7 billion since leaving network TV. that's a lot of fusilli, Jerry.

Exercise Yard

The 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's. The dark ages for US Soccer.


14 Across: Contemporary of Ella and Sarah (4 letters) Answer: Lena

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just started to read the third book. First two were really good.---------------JMK