Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Boy, Toyota finds itself in a mess. Safety concerns have caused them to stop production on several models. I just happened to hear an interview with a car expert last week and he was going on about the quality issues at Toyota.

Quality is (was?) considered a hallmark of that company. It used to be that Toyota would slowly develop manufacturing facilities in places where they wanted to expand. But, apparently that expansion had become too widespread and quality was suffering big time. They have made executive changes to stem the tide a bit, but the bloom is of the rose now. This production halt being the latest problem.

Meal of Links

I don't think of haggis all that much. But who knew the Scottish version was banned in the US? Not anymore.

A few months ago, Newsday put its Internet content behind a pay wall, Guess how many people decided to pay for that content? 35 subscriptions! The owners? The Dolans, of course.

Dr Pepper is now 125 years old. And that Heritage Dr Pepper tastes pretty damn good.

It's hard to believe I saw David Bowie on what is probably going to be his last tour. I even have a bootleg of that Cleveland show. It was that great. We haven't heard all that much from him since 2004, but there is a DVD of that tour that came out today. It's the "A Reality Tour". Oh, and "Paris, Texas" got the Criterion treatment.

Yes, I have unabashed love for The Who. And, yes, they will do all of the CSI songs.

"Won't Get Fooled Again"/The Who

Old country? Ladies and gentlemen, Kitty Wells.

Twitter fun. About Brett Favre.

What if Comcast lets NBC die? They should put that "Red Zone Channel" on football Sundays and watch the ratings zoom.

Exercise Yard

Two things about that Saints win the other day. The Times-Picayune keeps selling out of their Super Bowl editions.

And the ratings were tremendous. The highest ratings of any show since the "Seinfeld" conclusion. And the highest rated non-Super Bowl since "The Catch", played during a deep freeze in much of the country.

Lord Football does it right these days. It wasn't that long ago where Wild Card and even Conference Championship games were still played at 12:30 and 4:00.


16 Across: Big name in tequila (10 letters) Answer: Jose Cuervo

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