Monday, October 19, 2009

The family of Balloon Boy looks like they will be charged soon. But this points out what I've been railing about for years. That is, Reality TV is the quickest way to obtain fame in this country and I can't believe how we allow these idiots to cash in.

Like "Jon and Kate". Who are these people and why are they dominating headlines in mainstream media outlets? Like Fox 8 News becoming a wrapup show for "American Idol" when it's in-season. Like Kit Hoover and Keith Famie who somehow parlayed reality shows into cable TV hosting jobs on networks that should know better.

The list is endless, while the truly talented can't get a break or are ignored when they do. I'll never understand it.

Meal of Links

How's Jay Leno doing at 10 o'clock? Depends on who you ask.

Matt Taibbi covers the "Wall Street Swindle". The collapse of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers and who profited.

Jack White gave a lecture to students at Trinity College in Dublin. Britney Spears was mentioned. Huh?

Another take on "Hoop Dreams". It's simply one of the best movies I've ever seen.

It's a review of Heath Ledger's last movie. Although rated highly, let the backlash begin on Ledger's acting ability.

Exercise Yard

Jim Nantz had his divorce trial end last week. "Irretrievably broken" doesn't sum up that pain.


32 Across: Peter, Paul or Mary (5 letters) Answer: Saint

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