Sunday, July 05, 2009

Best lines from the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest:

"The Leader of the Four Horsemen of the Esophagus." (Always my favorite!)

"The David Blaine of the bowel."

"His stomach is a cauldron in which food is cooked by the heat of his liver."

"He is a genius of competitive eating. He knows why they call it couscous, and not just cous."

BTW, Joey Chestnut ate 68 hot dogs in 10 minutes.

Meal of Links

Could the use of Twitter, Facebook, blogging actually take us to a golden age of writing? Are we actually writing more than we have been?

Cheeseburger cupcakes! Nice way to cap off the 4th.

The Indians coaching staff gets the dreaded "non-vote of confidence, we'll decide later." Tribe celebrates with a 5-2 loss upon hearing the news.

Bring on the discount tickets.

Exercise Yard

Steve McNair gone at age 36. Hard to believe. I really, really liked him at QB. One tough guy. I'd say some shady circumstances surrounding his death, but still hard to come to grips with. His death was ruled a homicide and I'm sure there is more to come.


None on a sunny mid-summer Sunday.

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