Sunday, June 07, 2009

I did it. Yes, it's hard to believe that I did it. I finally finished reading my first book of 2009! I was determined to finish "Nixonland" by Rick Perlstein this weekend. I started this right after Christmas, I believe. I had about 120 pages to go and had been sitting on it for quite a while.

I hadn't yet reached Watergate and the conventions of 1972. In my defense, the text goes for 748 pages. And early winter, I was slogging through it pretty well. Then I just let it go. But I finally got through it and I'm glad I did. It was a very good book, because names from the past, many of whom I'd forgotten showed up. Lots of Northeast Ohio mentions, as well. Glenville riots, Kent State, etc. Good stuff.

Meal of Links

I went to Crocker Park to see "The Hangover". First thing I noticed is Harry Potter is gonna cost $10 for an evening show. First non-3D movie to hit $10 locally? I think so. And trailers that were once suitable for "All Audiences" are now suitable for "Appropriate Audiences". See, I do pay attention.

Less than 10 of us were there, but it was damn funny. I expect this to have staying power, as it is extremely quotable. Easily in the Top 10 comedies of the decade, probably Top 5.

I couldn't find a dead spot in it at all, from beginning to end...major laughs! Under normal circumstances I'd say Zach Galifianakis (His line: "Tigers like pepper...they hate cinnamon"..." killed me and when a cop told him, "Not you, fat Jesus." it put me on the floor. Plus, his "Rain Man" scene was choice.) steals the movie, but he actually doesn't. That's how well-written and well-acted it is. Everyone is strong, Ed Helms, "Black Doug", Jeffrey Tambor in a very limited role, Bradley Cooper, Heather Graham and her right breast, the wedding singer with crude lyrics was from The Dan Band, a character named Mr. Chow, and Mike Tyson is great. Hell, even Carrot Top is funny and he's only in photos over the closing credits. A must see.

Sad times. The Grammys have dumped the Polka category. Both Jimmy Sturr and Walt Ostanek ("Canada's Polka King") seem OK with it, so I'll follow their lead.

The Lance Armstrong of Cleveland

The latest area official to come under scrutiny is none other then Cleveland Clerk of Courts, Earle Turner. He may have taken the lead in the Quote of the Year sweepstakes with this gem. When defending his work hours and lack of using his parking pass at the Justice Center, he said, "I ride my bike. I'm an avid cyclist." I don't want pictures. I want film on this guy riding a bike 7 miles to and from work.

Exercise Yard

The Indians won today. Hey, great news. Anyone wanna explain, all of a sudden, why Shin-Soo Choo is now the leftfielder? Anyone?

Why waste time with those guys when Tiger's back.

Federer's back, too.

Although, he almost had his "Seles Moment".


None, a typical late spring Sunday.

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