Monday, March 16, 2009

I have been listening more and more to Underground Garage on XM. This is the Little Steven-influenced channel. I had forgot that Kid Leo was spinning records on this channel. He sounds like an older Kid Leo. I know, hard to imagine.

But here's what I heard on the way home today:

"Please No Squeeza Da Banana"/Louis Prima
"Orgasm Addict"/Buzzcocks
"Raw Power"/The Stooges
"St. Valentine's D"/Cocktail Slipper
"Cathy's Clown"/The Everly Brothers
"Lucy in the Sky (with Diamonds)"/The Beatles
"Here Comes Mary"/Raveonettes
"I Wanna Be With You"/The Raspberries

That makes for a solid mix. Hard to figure you'd find that anywhere on terrestrial radio.

Meal of Links

They showed some footage of "Bruno" at South by Southwest over the weekend. Twitter comments. I like that it makes "Borat" look like Kids TV. Uh, I'm there early.

Hey, here's something we haven't heard in what, a week or so? Should "The Office" dump Michael Scott?

You can order bees on the Internets. Bees, I tell ya. for $20.

How some TV shows morphed into something different. Some for the better and some, not so good. "Mannix" and "Dark Shadows" are two oldies mentioned.

Exercise Yard

Another reason why I hate Columbus. The start times for Round One of March Madness came out overnight. BTW, the fastest ever. Anyhow, Ohio State plays Siena in Dayton at the very same time CSU plays Wake Forest in Miami, which is 9:40 on Friday.

So, the bitching and whining has started. Actually, the comments seem to be favoring CSU. But this is really all wasted effort.

Look, CSU is the HOME TEAM here in Cleveland. Channel 19 will be required to show it. End of story. They may put OSU on 43, but CSU will be shown.

I did call CSU this morning. I could have bought tickets. Flights and hotel in Florida without much notice, especially in March, doesn't really work from a financial angle. I'll go to Indy next week, if they get that far.


44 Across: Poet Whitman (4 letters) Answer: Walt


Anonymous said...

Ahhh Dark Shadows. Okay, I am showing my age but I guess that was our generations "Twilight". Loved those Collins boys - Barnabas and Quentin.

Anonymous said...

I agree Jim, like Columbus ever gave a rats ass about Cleveland
Also on Dark Shadows do not forget that the one girl later in life was hot after Klaus Von Bulow.