Sunday, October 12, 2008

I'm starting to kinda like these Sundays without any Browns football. Got what could be the last grilling of the year out of the way today. Chose a steak of the Porterhouse variety.

But what about those games today. An incredible ending to both Fox games, Chicago-Atlanta and Dallas-Arizona. Each game with such bizarre endings, it's amazing the Browns were not involved.

In a strange way, it gives me more hope for Monday night's game against the New York Football Giants. A game that I've upgraded from absolutely no chance to the slightest of maybes for a win. Hopefully, the Giants watched some of these games today and get tight.

Meal of Links

Getting the details of McCain's health plan. Any way you cut it, it's not good.

The "Obama-is-an-Arab-Lady" speaks to some press after her televised embarrassment. I am not sure whether to feel sorry for or angry at this misguided soul. She maintains "he's still got Muslim in him." after being told Barack Obama is a Christian.

Fighting the Ticketmaster fight. Still.

50 Beautiful Movie Posters. A terrific compilation including a couple of the Dark Knight. I actually saw him today outside of the local costume shop, drumming up business. I tossed him a salute. And check out the great work on "Unforgiven".

Porn industry checks in on the election. "Who's Nailin' Paylin?" starts shooting....uh...begins filming.

Exercise Yard

The best sports journalism. If you have some time, follow the link to "The String Theory". It remains utterly fascinating.


None, on a beautiful fall Sunday.

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