Tuesday, July 08, 2008

It looked like Armageddon on the way home this evening. Lots of wind and rain. Easily a couple of inches around the Turnpike and 77. It is a bit disconcerting when mayhem is all about and then the Polecats come on with "Make A Circuit With Me". Hard to concentrate on the task at hand.

Speaking of the car radio, now that Tony Kornheiser is off the satellite until January, I am back in Bob Edwards mode on XM. Today, Liz Phair showed up. She has a unique experiment currently, because she re-recorded her first album from 15 years ago, "Exile in Guyville", added a few tunes and filmed a mini-doc about it, as well. Good stuff. Hadn't seen Liz since she showed up on a Bob Costas show on HBO a couple of years ago. She's definitely on my dirty list.

Meal of Links

I like Spam. I like sushi. I wonder if I'd like Spam sushi.

Jack White offers up a poem for Detroit. Then again, you have this guy.

How to win arguments. I maintain waving your hand while saying "Bah!" works pretty well. At least in my mind.

Solar-powered TV. Can you imagine lugging that back in from the deck every day?

Bob Barr is polling at 6%. Libertarians rejoice.

"Borat" is back. I mean "Bruno". How are people still falling for this stuff? Anyhow, it sounds like it went off better than they could have planned.

Tim Goodman writes about the San Francisco Giants broadcasts. There aren't enough words to describe the STO effort locally.

Exercise Yard

More announcing. It is amazing how the Internets works. For instance, we have two hilarious guys calling, of all things, NBA Summer League games and they already have a buzz about them. Please NBA, do not crack down on them!

I've always thought you needed the SkySports FanZone concept as alternative audio on local sports. I'm tellin' ya, the right combination of fans would outdraw the regular broadcast teams. Wouldn't you like to hear me say Shin-Soo Choo is the "Asian Trot Nixon" just once over the airwaves?


20 Across: '60s activist gp. (3 letters) Answer: SDS

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