Thursday, June 05, 2008

I was chatting with Best Friend a while back on how stupidly random the last lines of the daily PD horoscope are. Lots of "As you wish", "Happy as can be" or even "Where your friends are" and other things that make no sense to me.

Well, I don't know if they've changed the horoscope writing lately, but the last two days I've got: "Pick up a favorite munchie". So, we've gone from random action items to Prime Directives in the course of a couple of weeks.

Meal of Links

The Top 25 Newspaper Websites. NYTimes is first, followed by the LA Times. Two that I visit every day. I also go to the Washington Post every day and that was 5th. comes in 16th. And if you've ever tried to search for an item there, you'll know why.

A chat with Joel McHale. Yes, "The Soup" is still on the air and extremely funny.

Jimmy Smits joins the cast of "Dexter". And all the time, Krusty the Klown will be running through my head.

If I didn't have enough things to worry about. How about the phenomenon known as "dry drowning"?

Exercise Yard

All about "10-cent Beer Night". I think Dollar Dogs is about the only cheap thing we are gonna get at Progressive Field. BTW, Ted Bonda insisted til his death that Beer Night was a good promotion.

Will Leitch is leaving as Editor of "Deadspin". That's another site I visit every day. Lots of good comments wishing him farewell. "First the Fat Boys break up, and now this."


35 Down: Russo of "Tin Cup" (4 letters) Answer: Rene

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