Friday, May 23, 2008

I can't believe I've had to run the furnace three times this week. I normally have a rule that I won't have the heat on past May 1. This year...Yikes! I did not have it on that much but still fell into the clutches of Dominion on more than one occasion. I left work midday today and the temperature at home was 60 degrees. In late May! So, on it went.

Conversely, after suffering through last summer at work with no air conditioning that stretched to my office, we finally had it installed a few weeks ago. We have no idea what the actual air temperature was last year in that office. But we are getting clues, because the air kicked on several times this week with the outside temperature barely reaching 60. When I arrive in the morning, the thermostat reads 70. We have the air set for 77. Sure enough, between 4:00 and 5:00 each day this week, it reached 77 and the air was turned on. For all of our complaining last year, we never knew how hot it actually got in there. Now we figure it had to be upwards of 85 or higher.

Meal of Links

Real vs. fake. Yes, breasts, mirrors, diamonds and Cuban cigars are exposed, so to speak.

Of course, Memorial Day means grilling. Already have my various and sundry items ready to go. How to become the Grill Master.

How do you beat jet lag? Don't eat. Maybe.

8 types of people you'll hate at the local Starbucks. I've only been there thrice in my life. As a non-coffee drinker, I have no reason to go. I once ordered root beer, another time, a hot chocolate. Manager who forces you to use the Starbucks lingo, buzzwords, or patois kills me though.

Here are some things Indiana Jones does better than your Grandpa. Drinking did not make the list.

Some info on "The Cleveland Show". My Grandpa actually worked with a guy named Cleveland Brown.

Memorial Day also means networks turn over the scheduling to marathons. Here's a list. "Beverly Hillbillies" on Saturday!

The new Weezer video is blowing up already. It includes all your Internet "favorites". Yep, Miss South Carolina sings to all us "U.S. Americans".

"Pork and Beans"/Weezer

Exercise Yard

Why do country music and Cleveland Browns Stadium have a hard time being compatible? Let's see if the toilets work this year.


9 Across: "Tulips" poet (5 letters) Answer: Plath

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