Sunday, April 06, 2008

Spring must be coming. My thermostat, without prompting, inched up to 66 degrees yesterday and again today. Whoo hoo!

But, sadly, that means March Madness is ending (and it seems to be creeping evermore into April, doesn't it?). Therefore, I bid farewell to all of the commercials that have been embedded in my brain the past three weekends. So, "Let's put on the lawyer pants and walk down that path" and say so long to:

The weird guy with that huge Travelers umbrella.

The Asian chick frightened by the honking VW.

The word "With".

"Well, Tony, you're pretty comfortable with that."

The letter "H".

Porsches revving.

Killer apps from Applebee's. Seems like the same old neighborhood to me.

The Peter Gunn theme from Pontiac.

Jared and his "anniversary fat pants".

All those student-athletes going pro in something other than sports.

Creepy Coke Zero Guy.

Howie Long, in his truck, picking up gasless strangers.

100 lbs. of feathers vs. 100 lbs. of bricks.


UPS guy and his whiteboard.

"I am so in there."

Sven from AT&T.

"My agility is CEO of the Global Agility Corporation."


We'll miss you all. See you next year.

Meal of Links

A guide to Rolling Stones songs used in Scorsese films. Obviously, "Gimme Shelter" shows up a lot.

Is it really a surprise that Mark Penn finally got the boot from the Clinton campaign as chief strategist. I mean, when was the last time you heard his name associated with anything positive?

Pick a location and find hotel availability for that area. Gives a pretty quick rundown.

Exercise Yard

A tradition unlike any other starts this week and will be pimped big-time during the NCAA game tomorrow. Masters questions linger.


None. A (gulp!) sunny Sunday.

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