Sunday, April 20, 2008

I wish someone could do a timeline of Jim Belushi's weekend. He was in Vegas for the Calzaghe-Hopkins fight last night (and I thought I espied Catherine Zeta-Jones there, but wasn't sure. I guess it was her.),

then he was at the Laker game this afternoon with Spider-Man.


And, no, I am not stalking him. I am just observing him from afar during various sporting events.

Meal of Links

Hey, a new premium channel! Since I have Time Warner Cable, I'll bet I won't get it.

The words "coming global food crisis" are being uttered more often. Take your pick out of biofuels, increased oil prices, cost of transport. It shows the connection between energy and food in this economy.

A chat with Eddie Izzard. Wiki plays a role on his new tour.

Combat global warming with bamboo. Panda not included.

It's the new Obama ad for PA:

Exercise Yard

Baseball is up to 103 exemptions for ADD. Let's see if this number continues to grow or if baseball places this in the category of performance-enhancing drugs.


None, it's a 4/20 Sunday.

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