Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Mega Millions is up to $200 million. As I always say when it gets that high, it's nice to take a chance and dream about winning. I would seriously have trouble comprehending getting that much money.

Don't get me wrong,I would enjoy it very much. But I think I would wake up every morning and laugh for at least an hour.

Meal of Links

The latest Google Earth allows you to check the skies above. Constellations and everything. Very cool.

Have your IP address moaned. It's loud...check the sound.

News on a "Trainspotting" sequel. Begbie must be in it, I beg of you.

Exercise Yard

This is actually a pretty funny idea. A blog about people who wear random unis. Not necessarily outdated, but really bad choices. Classics include a random Ryan Leaf and a really random Vin Baker. Man, these guys should go to a Browns game.

I recently saw an urban guy with one of those Dell Curry Charlotte Hornet specials. Did a double take because I couldn't believe it.


26 Across: Lucy of "Kill Bill" (3 letters) Answer: Liu


Anonymous said...

I can hear you laughing while Mr. French serves you a Bloody Mary every morning along with your New York TImes, PD and Eggs Benedict.

Anonymous said...

Just don't knock my Shmyr or Gilmour------------JMK