Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Thoughts accumulated while working from home today, because of the snow. Or, if you watched any local TV, Our Latest Armageddon:

It's days like these that I wish I had a snowblower. Then, I wondered if they still made this, after I did some shoveling.

My Mensa neighbor tried to leave this a.m. without shoveling his driveway. Seriously, I heard some engine revving for the longest time, until I figured out it was this clown. I first heard this about 6:50, he did not get out of the driveway until almost 8:30. Eventually, he would leave the car, shovel a few feet or dig himself out, then get back in. I'm thinking to myself, are you considered an essential person? Are you from California? Are you of sound mind and body? It was a stunner. Then he was back by 11:00. Could not imagine what was so important.

Make sure your vents are clear of any snow.

I took advantage of some local, freelance snowblower guys. The snow drifts I had were the largest in the 13 years of living at the palatial estate. I would still be shoveling because it was compounded by two idiots who were still parked on my street. And we all know what location that would be, wouldn't we? Yes, to the left and right of my driveway, so the plow can't do it's job. Seriously, there has been a car parked in front of my house regularly for months now. It is moved about one day a week and then it claims the spot all over again. Fockers!

Speaking of plows, Mayor Jackson knows his history. The last really big snow we had was December 23 of 2004. Clearly, Mayor Campbell had no clue. I did not see a plow that day until late that evening. I've already had two visits, the second with TWO plows side-by-side, by 1:00 this afternoon. Nice job. Except I had to shovel the remnants again.

I need to invest in mittens.

Channel 5 actually queried if restaurants would be closed for Valentine's Day. OK, that is high-priority stuff. The suggestion being there are places open and with cancellations forthcoming, you may be able to get seated this evening. Even at some Swanky Mode place. When you are on the air nine straight hours, that's what you get.

I ran up to the bank very quickly to see if my car could navigate the roads. It did. But let's quit with the global warming jokes when it snows. They are stale, old-timer-at-bank.

I give credit to Lands End. I just received an e-mail that read, "Blizzard blasts Midwest! Record snows wallop Northeast!" and how they can help right now. That's pretty good guerilla marketing and I do need mittens.

I didn't get a newspaper again this morning.

I rarely listen to Triv in the car, but yesterday he asked why do we stay here? I laughed when one caller said, "They spray us at night." That has to be it, some sort of Body Snatcher thing.

One Soft Batch cookie is 80 calories. ONE! I seldom buy cookies. As a matter of fact, that is the first package I've bought in a long time. Know I know why. 33 servings per bag, my ass. Literally, my ass.

If I see one more idiot reporter walk into a snow bank to demonstrate snow depth, I will puke. Perfect example. Ghetto 19 News has Harry Boomer, live outside their studios, at Noon. Harry seems like a nice enough fellow, but I understand he got stuck on his way to work this a.m. four different times and he only lives three miles away. Harry, the thing between the curbs is known as a road, you may want to drive on it. So, Harry tells the story of his travels once again and holds up a shovel and says that saved him this morning. Are you with me? Microphone in one hand, shovel in the other. Harry then strolls into a large snow bank, both arms aloft, muttering that he almost fell. Then he says something about being glad that 50 is the new 40, because he's winded and says if he was older he might have a heart attack. So, he trudges his way out of the snow bank, and tosses it back to the studio because he is out of breath. In the background, meanwhile, we see some person just strolling along as if it were July, because they plowed the sidewalks next to the building.

Other stuff I saw on TV: Wind gauges; thermometers; the typical "it's bad out here" with no blowing snow, people speeding in the background, and reporter in snow bank; reporter walk to middle of intersection to demonstrate God knows what, only to leave, because there is oncoming traffic; salt dome (my favorite); ODOT guy saying "No worries."; now stations count the school closings, as in "We had 750 schools call off today"; Shaker did not call off until 7:15 this morning and heads will roll on that move; the best was the fat guy on 19 who got out of his car and stripped to his underwear to mess up a report.

The sun came out late afternoon, as it eventually does.

Meal of Links

Stephen Colbert gets a Ben & Jerry's flavor, the "Americone Dream"! But look what's in it. Vanilla with fudge-covered waffle cone pieces and caramel. He donated his fee for charity, so chow down.

The NFL refused to run a recruiting ad for the Border Patrol. It seems growth opportunites would dictate you don't wanna harm that fan base.

The World Cup has resulted in an April baby boom in Germany. Just think if they had won.

Exercise Yard

How exploring the pro potential of Udonis Haslem led to a happy marriage. Plus-minus, indeed.


35 Across: Author Nin (5 letters) Answer: Anais

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those two cars might have saved you from getting a bigger, heavier pile plowed into your driveway. PFS