Thursday, August 10, 2006

I was watching this old PBS special on class and one line really stuck out. This kid was talking about cliques at his high school. He was definitely a nerd, but a hilarious one. You know the type, no one talks to him in high school, but in college, he's the guy who can get you stuff.

Anyhow he's describing the cliques and he says, "Let's see. You have the nerds, the band nerds, the drama queens and the kids who throw shit at me at lunch." Funny stuff.

Meal of Links

"Sir, you must dump your champagne."

Let's focus more on the criminals that were captured rather than hear people complaining they may have to be sociable on the plane. What am I saying? iPods are a great way to avoid conversation on a plane.

Dave Navarro is hooking up with Jenna Jameson. Her new face is still creepy to me, but...

Here's how to quit hitting the snooze. Practice, my friend.

Exercise Yard

I understand that Major League Baseball has to find new revenue streams. But to actually charge license fees for fantasy baseball stats seems rather heartless.

Thankfully, the court agreed, but MLB is appealing. If they win, Larry Dolan, spend your cash. Clown.


16 Across: Sportscaster Berman (3 letters) Answer: Len

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