Sunday, July 30, 2006

I like a good conspiracy theory just like anyone else. I mean Ken Lay may be vacationing in a sunny spot right this minute. But did you happen to look in on the horror show that C-Span broadcast this weekend? There was a conference on 9/11 and these nutbags are claiming the government committed the act.

Oh, I'll give you the plane crash at the Pentagon is odd that the plane totally disintegrated and I'll give you the PA plane was probably shot out of the sky. But the US government actually placed explosives at the WTC? That seems a bit out there. But I guess the Kennedy assassination is a tired act and we need to move on. Again, I'm not dismissing all of these theories, maybe it's that the developers of these theories appear to be people you couldn't ask for directions, without a 10-minute tirade coming back at you.

Anyhow, here are some places to check out.

Obviously, to start, you need to view "Loose Change". It's compelling in a Michael Moore kind of way, but still way too many factual errors, and the moviemakers seem to be relishing the spotlight a bit too much.

Radio talk show host Alex Jones, the moderator of the conference, seems like a snake oil salesman to me, but I think there is something to his rap, beyond the delivery and the rhetoric.

The group, Scholars for 9/11 Truth, has experts that suggest the events of 9/11 may have been orchestrated by elements within the administration to manipulate Americans into supporting policies at home and abroad they would never have condoned absent "another Pearl Harbor." Their spokespeople would be described as that ubiquitous "fringe element".

And that's just a start.

Meal of Links

Mel Gibson says, "I am an alcoholic." Looks like Mel had a relapse and decided to blame the Jews for his arrest. That can't be good.

Your surroundings determine your diet. If it's a 44-oz. cup, you'll drink it. And I have.

Life goes on in post-Katrina Nawlins. Now it's 80 murders this year. That $28 million ad campaign for tourism can't start fast enough.

Exercise Yard

Last night, HBO had another of its "Boxing After Dark" series. The feature bout was "Vicious" Vivian Harris against Stevie "Little But Bad" Johnston, live from the Chumash Casino.

Going in, you hoped Stevie was not over-the-hill. He was and lived up to his nickname for all the wrong reasons. Oh, he showed lots of heart, but Harris knocked him down four times and TKO'ed him in the 7th. Harris looked pretty good, firing the right hand and connecting often. Johnston took the fight on two weeks notice and although in shape, really needs to hang it up after this one. He's done.


None, it's a hot Sunday.

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