Sunday, June 04, 2006

Today, I hit another bird while driving. Which, of course, allows me to yell, "I thought we had a pact!". But that's the second time I've hit a bird. Are they getting slower, do they not care anymore, are they more daring? Very puzzling.

But since it was a Sunday and cloudy and raining earlier this morning, what better time to run to the local bijou to see "X-Men: The Last Stand". I guess Ian McKellen is in every movie this summer. He's back as Magneto and looks kinda funny in his helmet and cape. But you must stay until the very end, even after the credits, for a final scene, which drops a major hint there may be a fourth movie. (SPOILERS AHEAD)

Dr. Jean Grey is back and she is one pissed off mutant chick. I didn't read the X-Men comics, but I did like the first two movies in this series. This one was OK, but it's getting a bit long in the tooth, I'd say. Anyhow, Jean kills Scott Summers who was in this one so short, I forgot what he did. He rides a motorcycle and does sumptin' with his eyes.

Kelsey Grammer is in this one as Hank McCoy, The Beast, looking like he missed an audition for Blue Man Group. He is Secretary of Mutant Affairs. Well, this lab has produced "a cure' so if you don't wanna be a mutant, you now have a choice. The lab is HQ'ed on Alcatraz, so you know that's coming into play later, basically so they can create some movie magic. Magneto thinks the government is out to destroy mutants with this so-called cure, so he's rallying the bad mutants, cause that's what he does.

So, Dr. Grey is back and realizes that Patrick Stewart hasn't been letting the real Jean out, for her own good, BTW, because her powers are off the chart. You can't control me, she says, and proceeds to off the bald guy. There was one scene after he died, where they placed his empty wheelchair in his office as a tribute. "I put Stephen Hawking in one of these two months ago, he's lovin' it!". Magneto steps in and wants Jean on his side, because he can put her up to no good. Meanwhile, Wolverine, still the coolest one of the bunch (Hugh Jackman), would like to claw Jean, if you know what I mean.

At least 50 different subplots, so here's what happens:

Rogue takes "the cure" on her own, so she can touch.

Fire Guy and Ice Guy still hate each other, Ice Guy wins at the end, because he's a Good Ice Guy.

Rebecca Romijn has a short stint, because she saves Magneto from getting hit by a dart with "the cure". So, she loses her powers and the plot doesn't require her to run around naked anymore.

Things pile up on the school grounds, as Patrick Stewart, Dr. Grey and Scott Summers are all buried there. Kind of like the monuments at Yankee Stadium.

The Beast becomes U.N. Ambassador.

Magneto takes the Golden Gate Bridge apart and moves it towards Alcatraz so it's easier to get to. You would think the bad mutants would figure out an easier way to get there. He eventually loses his powers to a dart.

Wolverine kills Dr. Jean Grey at the end, in an epic struggle between murder and love to save the world, or at least the Bay Area.

Vinnie Jones plays Juggernaut fairly well in this one.

Halle Barry as Storm really doesn't have much to do anymore. Now that she'll be running the school, who knows?

Kurt Russell dies. Wait a minute, that's "Posiedon".

Best line. Wolverine is fighting a guy who can keep regrowing his limbs. Wolverine would chop one off, the guy would grow another one. Finally, he kicks him in the balls and says, "Let's see you grow those back." Might have been the only laugh in the flick.

Probably worth a matinee admission.

Meal of Links

Did some shopping today at Steve and Barry's. Everything in the joint is $7.98 or less. Worth a visit, especially if you want some Ohio State gear.

How to shop for food critically. Do not eat that natural peanut butter stuff, no matter what they say.

Who knew that Cleveland has a volcano? Now those are fireworks I wouldn't mind seeing.

Exercise Yard

We haven't seen "Snakes on a Plane" yet, but we do have cloned mules in a race. They were beat by a couple of jackasses.


None, it's Sunday.


Drew said...

Did you stay until the credits finished to see the bonus scene in X3?

Jim said...

Yes, I saw the bonus scene. Only what, 20 seconds? But well worth the wait, I'd say.