Thursday, May 18, 2006

Have you tried any of the artery cloggers from Mrs. Fields? I never tried them, but I understand they used to have Elmo and Cookie Monster cookies. They must have lost the licensing, because they don't make them anymore. Anyhow, it was a chocolate chip cookie with a bunch of icing on it in the colors of the characters.

I guess now they have decided to push these monstrosities that come in the shape of a pizza slice. Chocolate chip bar with alternating white and chocolate icing around the edges. I had a point of one of these today, a point I say, and thought I had enough sugar to last the month. Hard to believe a kid could handle these. What am I talking about, no way that they can.

Meal of Links

The Onion reports that World Cup fans are conducting practice soccer riots for Germany. The punchline is very funny.

The Weekly World News reports that a Dracula Dwarf is currently terrorizing Seattle. Best quote: "I've seen enough horror movies to know right away that this fanged, caped man was a vampire."

The Borowitz Report tells us the NSA was bothered by the increase in long distance calls this past Sunday. Completely forgetting that it was Mother's Day.

Exercise Yard

I like it.


46 Down: Acid-tongued "American Idol" judge (5 letters) Answer: Simon

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