Saturday, July 02, 2005

Yesterday was a great day for being outside and it was a fine summer evening. Our group split up early for dinner. Best Friend and Best Friend Spouse went home to their really good steaks that I bet had nice marbling. Additionally, I'm sure there was a fine marinade, some vegetables, perhaps a fruit item or two. And, of course, cocktails. Well, the rest of us didn't rate an invite (if we had been invited, we would have had to stop for McNuggets on the way. Of course, I didn't push the issue at all.), so we were off to the west side.

After the snub, the remainders went to Giovanna's. And if it's Italian, what am I having? Why, eggplant parmesan, of course. You know, I didn't feel that much like having McNuggets after all, because this meal eat the spot. I have some leftovers and had the final piece of pizza for breakfast this a.m. Tough to eat steak in the morning.

At Giovanna's, we were able to see an umbrella crack from the pressure of the wind at one of the tables. While it didn't impale anybody, it looked like it toppled near some patrons. If it was close to me, I think I would have gone into "Chalkline on Pavement Guy" mode and get a bunch of free dinners for life. Or coffee.

I was out at Trader Joe's and the accompanying Farmer's Market this a.m. The Market had some really neat stuff, but I didn't buy anything. Lucy's Sweet Surrender was there and I think I felt full just walking by their stand. But there seemed to be a plethora of breads and flowers and herbs ("We call it herbs, because it has a fucking "h" in it."). I would go back. But next time, I want to see a tomato.

Meal of Links

Slight change in format today. Am I the only person who is interested in Live 8 today? The largest rock concert in memory. OK, let me get this outta the way...Poverty Sucks. All right, let's ROCK!!!

The best way to listen to the show today was via XM. Each concert had a channel of their own that put MTV's coverage to shame. It is so clear that MTV doesn't cover music anymore by the number of inept hosts they had. Production-wise, they would cut out of songs early, talk over live performances and generally do a shitty job. I fully expected to wake up this morning and have the concerts in Europe already starting. Nope, no TV coverage in the States until Noon. The following is what I got from watching the "highlight show" on ABC, which also included many songs that were cut short. Too many to detail.

It appears there are no Hosts on ABC. Thank you, Lord.

McCartney and U2 open up with "Sgt. Pepper". My initial thought was that I wondered if Macca had ever played this live. Nope, it was a first. Bono rules.

Will Smith opens Philly and reminds us that every three seconds an African child dies as a result of poverty. The "Three Seconds" ad is chilling. Coincidentally, I am eating garlic fries and have to snap my fingers every three seconds to clean them.

Oops, Jimmy Smits is a host and a fine dramatic actor, as well.

It's Tim McGraw from Circus Maximus in Rome with "Live Like You Were Dying". Seems like an odd song for today. Not really a fan, but he has filled the void left by Garth Brooks. I just saw Russell Crowe throw a phone at a gladiator in the background.

Ah, Green Day from Berlin. Now this band gets it. I heard "American Idiot" on XM and they absolutely tore it up. But now they are doing "We Are The Champions". Great version as this band grows on me every year.

Hey, Natalie Portman (with shaved head) is pimping the FINCA organization. Hey hairless, save it for another day.

Coldplay does "In My Place". Ah, Gwynnie with child offstage. The fifteenth shot of them finally pisses me off. They should have chose them doing "Bittersweet Symphony", because the guy from The Verve came out and sang with Coldplay and it kicked ass.

Back to Philly and Destiny's Child. Who cares about the song because Beyonce is showing leg and I think they go all the way to her ass. She's obviously learned to sing in English since her Oscar appearance.

Smits says we have sent "America's Best" to London in the guise of Mariah Carey. My brother calls to remind me that is just plain wrong. I catch up on typing during this performance.

In my best WCW voice, "Here comes Sting!!" from London. It's "Every Breath You Take". I find it disconcerting that the G8 representatives faces are shown as a video montage during this song. "I'll be watching you."

My guys, The Who, are next. They are doing the CSI song, "Who Are You?" including the f-bombs! Thanks, ABC. Of course, Saab is now using "I'm Free" in their ads. Say, they joined this song in progress. WTF? MTV screwed the boys, too, by cutting them off early. Roger looks a bit aged these days. Pete may have to leap with the aid of a walker, but managed a clean windmill and leap at the end. I cannot accept any criticism of this band. Hell, if Pete smashed that guitar, I'd go to Africa right now and take charge.

Don (Why do I keep calling him Dom?) Cheadle introduces Linkin Park and Jay-Z. This is a very good collaboration which works much better than one would believe.

U2 is now on with "One". Bono in bullshit spewing mode, but I still love the guy.

Smits introduces Will Smith. Of course, Will takes the opportunity to debut his new joint. The Live 8 Dancers are getting a workout. I'm like those parents who just don't understand.

Oh man, it's Pink Floyd with "Money". Musically, they still have it. However, Dave Gilmour looks like a cross between The Commish and Michael Keaton's dad. They just bleeped "bullshit". They don't move around much, so I see a cash grab tour coming. Best sign though: "Pink Floyd Reunited. Pigs Have Flown."

Sir Bob replays a 20-year old video from the original Live Aid. He introduces a girl from that video who is now a graduate, reminding us of why we are here today. Very powerful scene. Madonna is next with "Like A Prayer" She has still got it. I didn't like the way she hovered around the kid, because that was ego-tripping, but she looks good, so I'll cut her slack.

Richard Gere gets a pop by saying, "I was born in Philadelphia." Great, Richard. It's Stevie Wonder with "Signed, Sealed, Delivered", a true Motown classic. Who is Adam Levine and why is he accompanying Stevie? Did they sneak him by Stevie or what? Having said that, they do a good job.

Annie Lennox does "Why" after being introduced by Brad Pitt. It's the smiling African kid video on the screens which tears everyone up.

It's Cheadle again. He quotes MLK. Somehow works Kanye West into the mix. Kanye steals from Robert Palmer as he has women in black (with black tape over their eyes) playing string instruments behind him. I can't do this justice, but I saw a guy in the audience with mouth agape and that pretty much nailed it.

Portman brings on the Dave Matthews Band. "Too Much" is the selection and it sounds surprisingly fresh. Outstanding job.

At last, it's the All-Star Finale. Historically, these things suck because of everyone's ego. You know, you'll have Patti LaBelle over there hogging the microphone or Charo dancin' around like a fool or something that gets the cameraman's attention and ruins it.

Smits sends us to London. It's McCartney and his band with "The Long and Winding Road" which holds up well. I knew it. The Finale is "Hey Jude". Everyone drags their ass on stage and starts na na na na-ing. See, they let kids near some mikes and, of course, they are louder than the pros. Once again, I am right.

Sir Bob bids us a good night.

BTW, ABC's coverage showed nothing from Canada (no BNL or Neil Young) and major stars like Elton John, Faith Hill, Bon Jovi and Shakira got no mentions. Should have been a three-hour show.

The next show is "America's Funniest Videos". Yes, it speaks volumes.

Exercise Yard

I picked Magna Graduate to win today's Ohio Derby. Unfortunately, he ran second.


1 Down: Annabeth of "Mystic Pizza" (4 letters) Answer: Gish

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