Monday, December 27, 2004

I went to my doctor today for a checkup and he gave me another six months, so I guess things are OK or he wants to get paid. But I got done with him early enough, so I headed over to the Regal to see "The Aviator".

I liked it. I thought Cate Blanchett had Hepburn done cold and Alec Baldwin played the ruthless, of course, head of Pan Am. Leo did a good job. Probably many nominations coming its way. Much better than "Gangs of New York".

Bruce Willis was in a couple of coming attractions. One called "Sin City" had a comic book look to it. Very arty. Not sure what it's about, but it definitely is striking to look at.

Meal of Links

The scary thing about the Asian earthquake is it was stronger than all of the earthquakes from the last five years...put together.

George Carlin says these seven words, "I need to go to rehab immediately."

Your $20 bill has some interesting pictures on it.

Exercise Yard

The Cavs are moving up in the NBA Power Rankings.


53 Down: General ____ chicken (4 letters) Answer: Tso's

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