Sunday, July 11, 2004

Isolation Thought

Last night you had the choice of two guitar virtuosos in town. Eric Clapton at Gund Arena or Dave Alvin at the Beachland Ballroom. Those two old SOBs can still play, but my brother and I opted for Dave. He used to be with The Blasters, but has now sort of morphed into this roots rock, folk, Americana style of music. Don't for one minute think that means wimpy. That guy can still rock. It was a great show at, as Dave says, "One of my favorite places in the lower 48." I'll be heading there to see Los Lobos next week.

Beware of the limoncello. An outstanding concoction. Not sure it goes well with beer, but picture melted down Lemonheads, then frozen, and mixed with hard hitting vodka. I imagine myself during a crisp November day watching NCAA football, while having a taste or two of this drink, sadly watching my favorite teams wallow in defeat.

And the Carlos Boozer situation still won't die. This may explain Boozer's stab in the back of the Cavaliers. He may not be the person we thought he was.

Meal of Links

Phil Spector News Update: Phil is now suing his former attorney, Robert Shapiro. Phil's new preliminary hearing date for murder is October 20th.

Is John Edwards too cute to be elected? I have voted for Betty Montgomery. Case closed.

As everyone knows, I'll watch just about any sport. Name it. Putt-Putt Championship. Seen it. Paintball Championship. Taped it. Little League Home Run Derby (A former event so over the top, even Little League officials discovered they had a conscience). Wagered on it. So when does the new Roller Derby come on?

Exercise Yard

"Flying Phil" is now the world's fastest centenarian. As I sit in a chair...typing...eating a peanut butter cookie or three...on a nice, sunny day. Maybe there is a limoncello record I can attain.


None, it's Sunday.

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