Thursday, May 13, 2004

Isolation Thought

I am warning everyone. I am now officially looking for bridge abutments every time the Prestique Roofing & Siding commercial comes on the radio. You cannot avoid this commercial, especially if you are listening to sports talk. I'm sure you've heard it, you know the one with "The Whistler". Apparently Mr. Adman went to the folks at Prestique and said, "You know what sells? I'll tell you what sells. Annoying commercials. Yeah, annoying. They can't get them out of their heads." This tactic was used extensively by the folks at the Liberty Auto Group for years. Then it dawned on those dopes that maybe, just maybe, they were pissing off a significant portion of the listening public. You know, the ones that may actually want to buy or lease a vehicle. So, they stopped them. Of course, they did a 180 for a time, with some sort of pseudo-Radiohead electronica that was just plain weird. Ah, but our friends at Prestique have decided that whistling sells roofs and perhaps, siding. I just have a mental image of some ne'er-do-well whistling while preparing to commit some heinous act. Hasn't shown up in a dream yet, but I keep picturing Robert Mitchum in "Night of the Hunter". Man, that movie still creeps me out.

Meal of Links

Olympics in Athens? Who was the marketing genius who thought that one up? The bombing in Athens last week is pooh-poohed by the locals, because it was "the work of anarchists who regularly set off minor explosions near banks or government buildings with the intent of making political statements but not harming people." Richard Jewell nowhere to be seen.

Here they come. Low-calorie orange juices. Let's hope they taste better than that calcium junk.

If you're feeling lonely, reach out and call someone. Here's a site where a stranger might pick up the pay phone you just called.

Exercise Yard

Joe Pa gets a contract extension. Happy Valley becomes Very Unhappy.


18 Across: "Crazylegs" Hirsch of the NFL (5 letters) Answer: Elroy

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