Wednesday, December 01, 2010

I just finished watching the last episode of "Terriers". If it's gotta end this way. I can live with it.

I thought they did an excellent job of tying up the loose ends. And with the appearance of the man behind all the schemes, they have something to build on for Season 2, if there is one.

If not, it all the right notes.

Meal of Links has a story on Believeland. An unnamed appearance by Happy Dog and co-starring Dennis Kucinich. And Dan Gilbert is still pursuing tampering charges against LeBron and the Heat.

30 Freakiest Ads of 2010. Yes, the Better Marriage Blanket is here. And a few Skittles.

Paste has its Top 50 Albums of 2010. NME has 75 of its own. LCD Soundsystem gets a #1 and a #4.

The Republicans refuse to cooperate. As this says, "Mister President, Call Their Bluff!"

Speaking of "Terriers". Tim Goodman has an excellent piece on networks and their brands.

Your 2011 Grammy nominees are here. Black Keys with some nominations.

Exercise Yard

World Cup bids are bestowed tomorrow. England is up for 2018. The US and Qatar are duking it out for 2022.

Qatar is literally Africa hot.


32 Down: Madison Ave. figures (5 letters) Answer: Ad Men

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